adaml - 2024-07-05

Hi everybody,

recently I was checking how many time consuming manual tasks I can perform with python scripts through ScriptEngine. I have in the project many devices and currently I export bootprojects for them by right clicking on Application, then go Export -> Bootproject and firmware (SD Card) and then point folder where files should be exported. It's fine if project has few devices, but I have some of them with over 30 devices and manual clicking like that is very time consuming.

How can I do it with python script? So far I found "create_boot_application" method from Application object (taken by projects.primary.find('Application', True)) but it only generates .app and .crc file instead of full structure to store on SD card (FIRMWARE, USERDATA, SDCARD.INI, Version, Version.txt.sig). Should I use some method to control user interface?

Best regards,


Last edit: adaml 2024-07-05