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Monitor active Codesys connection

  • johnhastech

    johnhastech - 2021-12-02

    Hi All,

    I need to monitor an active connection between Codesys(PC) and a PLC. I have tried monitoring active visu clients, but unfortunately this doesn't work. I think this is most likely because the PLC is an embedded system and most importantly doesn't have a display for Visu.

    Monitoring active visu clients on a display works no problem.

    Is there an easy and light weight way of monitoring an active connection between Codesys (PC) and PLC via code? I was really hoping there might be a system variable showing connection state - is there any such variable?

    I have considered whether I can monitor port 1217 just to identify whether packets are being exchanged, but I'm not sure this would be possible?

    Any ideas would be greatly appeciated!

    Best regards,

    • johnhastech

      johnhastech - 2021-12-09

      Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! :D


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