JukkaP - 2014-09-11


I am using
CODESYS Control Win V3 and
CODESYS V3.5 SP4 Patch 4

I am developing an application that controls a process and communicates with a remote ModbusTCP slave I/O module. My project has an application named "Application" for testing the I/O configuration and this works just fine. The project has a device tree with Ethernet/Modbus_TCP_Master/Modbus_TCP_Slave elements. I/O mapping under the slave device maps Modbus data to global variables (e.g. DI_00) visible to the "Application" by notation "Application.DI_00", etc...

Problem is that I can not change the I/O handling application to any other application. My "OtherApplication" builds fine, but when I make it the I/O handling application and try to build, I get nasty error messages. Before building, I exclude the "Application's" slave device from build and include to build another slave device, with mappings to "OtherApplication's" variables like "OtherApplication.DI_00".

The error messages I get are here:
clip/ ***
------ Build started: Application: WP_PLC.OtherApplication -------
typify code ...
[ERROR] WP_HPP_ControlSystem: C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'ADR(GVL_Io_9ea12d66_edff_4fcf_b518_cc89e3cfc2a8_HPS_2.Io_9ea12d66_edff_4fcf_b518_cc89e3cfc2a8_HPS_2)'' to type 'POINTER TO IoConfigParameter'
[ERROR] WP_HPP_ControlSystem: C0077: Unknown type: 'GVL_Io_9ea12d66_edff_4fcf_b518_cc89e3cfc2a8_HPS_2.Io_9ea12d66_edff_4fcf_b518_cc89e3cfc2a8_HPS_2'
[ERROR] WP_HPP_ControlSystem: C0046: Identifier 'GVL_Io_9ea12d66_edff_4fcf_b518_cc89e3cfc2a8_HPS_2' not defined
Compile complete -- 3 errors, 0 warnings
/clip ***

What am I doing wrong?
