Profinet Exor connection drop

  • mini-developer - 2024-10-16

    Hello, I have a Exor HMI with 2 seperatred ETH interface's.
    It is Configured as PN Master on ETH interface 1 and the IO's are working, as long as the development PC is connected to the ETH 0 interface.
    When the PC is disconnected, the PN communication drops and a reconnection is started.

    I installed the newest device description for Codesys and Firmware for the Panel.
    The IO Gateway is from Weidmueller

    What could cause the Problem?

  • gatto

    gatto - 2024-10-16

    did you try setup two eth ?
    on ethO you set ip to communicate with pc, example
    on eth1 ip to communicate with weidmuler I/O, example

    note : ip need the same of ip setup under system setting of hmi.


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