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Symbol Configuration, I'm doing it wrong

  • ellcap - 2023-08-16

    So for reasons I don't fully understand, I often have to reubild my symbol configuration. On each type, they return to undefined and I have to select the attributes I want published. It adds 10-15 minutes on to a basic task. Because all of my complex structures are tied to a library we built and maintain (my first attempt at this as well) I thought I would set this up in the library object and that would stop the need to redefine in the instatiation of the objects at the controller level.

    I'm obviously doing that wrong too because that didn't help.

    Here is the way I am doing it in the object library:

    'symbol' := 'readwrite' or 'symbol' := 'read'

    I can't quite repeat what breaks it, sometimes I make library changes and the configuration is maintained, other times, it seems to clear the selected variables in each type.

    what have i done wrong, again?

  • ellcap - 2023-08-31

    if you're here because you are making the same mistake as me, I just resolved it.

    I mistakenly thought I didn't need to write the word attribute in the column labeled attribute.

    changed this 'symbol' := 'read' to this attribute 'symbol' := 'read'

    The last two in this clip are still wrong:

    I recongize this is probably a big "duh". That's ok. I like to fail out loud in hopes it helps someone else from looking silly.


    Last edit: ellcap 2023-08-31

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