simone - 2024-07-11

As I wrote before on the title, I have difficulties to connect to see webvisu from localhost.
The story: while waiting for the plc+hmi to arrive, I'm preparing the software, mainly the visual parts trough the control Win3 x64 (same version as the ide The problem is that I can't see the webvisu with the installed webbrowser. I don't know if this is a problem, but I changed the port to 9001 (randomly "free") because 80, 8000, 8080, 8088, 3000 are all occupied by other projects (all on the Apache server).
Is there something wrong with the config file?
This is the url: localhost:9001/webvisu_app.htm
and here the config file part "CmpWebServer".

;The handling of startup/shutdown of the webserver:
;0->automatically start, shutdown only on shutdown of the runtime;1->automatically start, could be shutdown on demand
;2(default)->start/shutdown on demand;3->start on demand, shutdown only on shutdown of the runtime
;The TCP port the webserver listens on

Thanks for all the help!


Last edit: simone 2024-07-11