Ethernet IP Scanner connected, no data arrives at input image

  • ellcap - 2023-07-20

    OPTO 22 with the Codesys Eth IP Scanner License installed.
    Equipment is SMC-EX600 WEN1 wireless, using EDS file from SMC.
    I am able to read the data via the SMC device webpage and see data update base on process. I've established a connection in Codesys with no errors, both scanner and adapter showing configured. The corresponding scan table, set to update on bus cycle, never updates with the values that are published in the SMC module.

    I will gladly take any advice that may be available.

  • ellcap - 2023-07-20

    I tried create a generic ethernet adpater, using the same connection string that the EDS file used (20 04 24 69 2C 96 2C 64) and it worked. So it's up and moving. The big difference is no 16 Byte configuration instance in my generic adapter, not sure if that what was causing the issue. But anyway it's resolved for now.



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