Remote connection to ifm PLC & HMI

  • jrsantab - 2024-04-11

    We are trying to access remotely a PLC (ifm 711S) and a HMI (ifm CR1077).
    Both are connected to a Teltonika RUT200 router.
    We establish the connection with OpenVPN Connect and can ping both controllers.
    We have a laptop that, most of the time, will allow Codesys connection to the controllers, but we have several other computers that are unable to connect, although all of them can ping successfully.
    We cannot find any difference in the configuration or software installed from one PC to another.

    If we connect to the router by WIFI, instead of VPN, all the computers work fine.

    We know that scanning the network will not work over a remote connection, so we input the controller IP directly.

    Has anyone had a similar problem and can offer any hint on what to check to make the connection run?


    Last edit: jrsantab 2024-04-11
  • Wiresplus - 2024-04-13

    I use these Teltonika routers with ZeroTier rather than OpenVPN - works better for me. I can show you how if you like?

  • jrsantab - 2024-04-22

    We have finally solved the problem.
    The version of the Gateway in the computer that worked ( and the one that didn't ( was different.
    We have three different Codesys 3.5 versions installed because we work with different controllers.
    I believe that, depending on the sequence you follow to install the versions you get a different Gateway version.

    To solve the problem you first have to disable the "obsolete" services.
    Open services, serach for (in our case)
    CODESYS Gateway V3 Version
    CODESYS ServiceControl Version
    I stopped the services and changed to Manual Start.

    Then you have to create the new services. In our case, from a Command Prompt session (cmd):

    SC CREATE "Codesys GatewayService Rigual" binpath="C:\Program Files\CODESYS\GatewayPLC\GatewayService.exe"

    and then

    SC CREATE "CODESYS ServiceControl Version" binpath="C:\Program Files\CODESYS\GatewayPLC\CODESYSControlService.exe"

    remember also to set them as Automatic Start!

  • jrsantab - 2024-04-22

    Last edit: jrsantab 2024-04-22
  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2024-04-23

    Maybe also good to know that you could use the CODESYS installer to switch between gateways.
    - open the CODESYS installer
    - Select the (hamburger) menu
    - Select Settings
    - Select Services
    Then select the Gateway you would like to use.


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