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Codesys V3.5 SP17 Patch 3 (64-Bit) + Git Integration - Status and Changes Window

  • happychappy - 2023-02-06


    I found a new feature in codesys where after I attempted a merge between a remote branch and my current local branch, codesys gave me a dialog(Codesys - Error.jpg). Since continue did not solve issues, I had to quit the application. Once I restarted codesy, I can see at the bottom right, that codesys is still in progress with the merge request, HOWEVER I can not open the Status and Changes window, I click on it but it never opens. I can not roll back or do anything, since codesys wants me to complete the merge request. How am I suppose to get around this.

    So what is my next step, since I do not have a remote backup of my local branch I was working in.


  • happychappy - 2023-02-10


  • happychappy - 2023-02-20


  • happychappy - 2023-03-06


  • happychappy - 2023-03-22



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