Changing Visulization

  • ScottJones - 2013-05-30

    I working on a program with 4 visualization screens, 3 of them work fine. On power up it goes to the Start visualization and I can select two of screens no problem. On both of those screens there is a object that is programmed using the Input Configuration for a MouseDown event to change the visualization screen to the fourth screen. But when I do that I get an error, Exception Detected - See .. but I don't know what that means. I will also ge this error immediately after a download, but If I cycle power to the display it start up OK. However this does not happen when I run in simulation mode, everything works OK. Can anyone suggest on what I should be looking for to solve this problem. My target is a Wachendorff, Opus A1 RVC display.
    Thanks, Scott

  • ScottJones - 2013-06-04

    Found the problem, I had a text field formatted for a floating point number %3.1f but set the Text variable to a variable declared as an integer.


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