Authoring Library Documentation

  • rickj - 2022-10-22

    I recently began using Obsidian (, to organize my project spaces and the various bits of information about the project. It's open source and has a very very nice markdown editor, that provides an immediate preview. I've also recently read up on Docutils and Sphinx and it seems that they now also support markdown, in addition to reStructuredText.

    I am curious if the library documentation generator, which I understand is based on Sphinx/Docutils, is also able to handle markdown text? Is it worth experimenting with or is it known to not work at all?

    Thanks for any input you may have.

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2022-10-30

    Good question, could you CODESYS guys anwser this?

  • rickj - 2022-11-06

    I'm going all in with Obsidian to create library documentation. There are a couple of plugh-ins that use Pandoc to export to various formats, including restructured text. The only other option worth considering is to use VSCODE to edit restructured text directly. The editor is not quite as nice as obsidian and it's still necessary to cut the text from a separate file an paste into a POU header.


    Last edit: rickj 2022-11-06

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