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Update Visualization from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0: Signature verification failed

  • hx05 - 2022-07-01

    Hello everyone,

    i already installed Sp18 Patch2 with Visualization 4.2.0 ab week ago, but yesterday a bunch of Addons included Visualization are not working, so i uninstall SP18 Patch2 and install again, all work successfully but when updating Visualization 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 the "Package Installation Error: Signature verification failed" comes over and over again.

    Did anyone have the same problem?

    Best Regards


    Last edit: hx05 2022-07-01
  • PaRo - 2023-02-13

    Hi, could you solve this issue?
    I have the same issue on one pc but on another pc with the same codesys version I can install and uninstall the excact same package without problems.. It's Sp17 patch 3 and Installer Version 2.0.0
    Already uninstalled the codesys. After the new installation excact the same error. Should I unistall again and delete any folders?

    Best regards

  • hx05 - 2023-02-14

    no, i have done a new installtion of windwos 11.
    Its very horrible to work with new codesys features. It would be better to wait one ot two years before use new codesys feutures.

    Best Regards


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