Utrehd - 2017-09-12

Hello all together

I have tried to run a script over batch file with this code:

@echo off
REM *******************************************************
REM Script launches Codesys and executes testDesktop.py 
REM *******************************************************
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eaton\XSOFT-CODESYS-3\CODESYS\Common\"
XSOFT3.exe -profile="XSOFT-CODESYS V3.5.10" -runscript="C:\Users\E9955465\Work\MyProjects\Factory of the Future FoF\CodesysProjects\SolutionCenter\AE_StandardLibs\EA_MQTT\trunk\externals\Testing\testDeskstop.py"
@echo on

Or over
Codesys --> Tools --> Scripting -->Execute Script File...

I tried to run following script

print("Hello, automation!")

Both lead to the same error message.

Note: it is possible for me to run the same script over cmd with the ipy command.

Can you help me?
What could be the problem?



I found the problem and contacted the vendor eaton automation.
they will provide a bugfix.

with older version 3.5.8 it works but not with 3.5.10
Probably some problems with libraries they provoked.

This topic can be closed now

IMG: error.png