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Version control

  • alexjaw69 - 2015-08-31

    I'm using git for version control. Just wonder if it's suffice to add the file .project and add the other files such as .opt, .bootinfo, .bootinfo_guids and *.compileinfo to .gitignore?

    Regards, AJ

  • Anonymous - 2015-08-31

    Originally created by: scott_cunningham

    Short answer = Yes.

    I use Hg and track the .project file. The other files keep track of your open editors, where your cursors are, what text is highlighted in each editor, etc. The project file is a binary file and you will have to manually merge any coworker's development using CoDeSys' Project Compare feature (if you have it).

    I would heavily recommend committing a .projectarchive to your repository once you have released code. The project archive includes all libraries and device drivers and can reach 10 MB file size. It is very important if you want to have the exact same code/compile/debug info years from now with a different PC.

  • alexjaw69 - 2015-08-31

    scott_cunningham hat geschrieben:
    Short answer = Yes.
    I use Hg and track the .project file. The other files keep track of your open editors, where your cursors are, what text is highlighted in each editor, etc. The project file is a binary file and you will have to manually merge any coworker's development using CoDeSys' Project Compare feature (if you have it).
    I would heavily recommend committing a .projectarchive to your repository once you have released code. The project archive includes all libraries and device drivers and can reach 10 MB file size. It is very important if you want to have the exact same code/compile/debug info years from now with a different PC.

    Ok. Thank's for the advice.
    (I imagine that with SVN you have the possibility to work with diffs on the text versions of the program files?)

  • Anonymous - 2015-08-31

    Originally created by: scott_cunningham

    CoDeSys offers an SVN add-on for a fee. I haven't used it, but there is a info sheet (see CoDeSys website). Looks like you see which modules are checked out when viewing your project. It would require an SVN server, etc.

  • maauto - 2015-09-02

    There is also a demo available, but unfortunately I was unable to try it out without a hardware CodeMeter dongle ... the trial license cannot be used with a soft CmContainer. Or so I'm told. That kind of a defies the purpose of a "demo". Just so that you know.



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