Bug Device login

  • mozed - 2024-06-11

    Good morning,

    The problem I encounter is very disturbing, when I try to connect to my project, it asks me to put in my username and password, which I do. However, I cannot connect and it restarts. the window to rewrite my identifiers. However it is the correct identifier and password I do not understand why. When I try to put false identifiers there strangely it tells me that these are not valid identifiers. There is something what can I do?


  • mariacugnier - 2024-06-20

    I'm having the same issue.I think it may be something related to the device adress that changes depending on the network i'm using, but now i don't have access to the one i used while setting my user. Did you find any solution for this?

  • mariacugnier - 2024-06-20

    I'm having the same issue.I think it may be something related to the device adress that changes depending on the network i'm using, but now i don't have access to the one i used while setting my user. Did you find any solution for this?

  • mariacugnier - 2024-06-20

    I'm having the same issue.I think it may be something related to the device adress that changes depending on the network i'm using, but now i don't have access to the one i used while setting my user. Did you find any solution for this?


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