Is any problem to use CoDeSysOPC V2.3 under win7 x64

  • yue-qi-qi - 2014-06-18

    I am using CoDeSysOPC V2.3 ,all is fine under windows x86, but it does not work udner windows x64.
    I have no idea where the OPC configuration infomation created by OPCConfig.exe stored. Once I have configured the information for one project for the first time,take OPCTest0 for example,I cannot configuration the second one,take OPCTest1 for example. The OPCConfig.exe has no problem on this,but when the CoDeSysOPC.exe starts, it still loads the OPCTest0 configuration info. By the way,the CoDeSys V2.3 IDE has generated the OPCTest0.sdb and OPCTest1.sbd. Even I delete the OPCTest0.sdb before the CoDeSysOPC.exe starting, but once CoDeSysOPC.exe starts,the file OPCTest0.sdb is created again.
    I just do not konw why this happend. Can any one help me?

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2014-06-19

    See C:\ProgramData\CoDeSysOPC\

    In some cases (mine), Windows creates a "Compatibility Files" Folder.
    When you open Windows Explorer and go to the folder C:\ProgramData\CoDeSysOPC\, you can see in the toolbar of Explorer "Compatibility files" (in Dutch it is called Compatibiliteitsbestanden).
    This will take you to C:\Users\<your user="" name="">\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ProgramData\CoDeSysOPC\</your>

    In my case somehow Windows likes to put the configuration files in there, instead of the C:\ProgramData... folder.

    Open the "OPCserver.ini" to see the details of your configuration.

  • yue-qi-qi - 2014-06-24

    TimvH hat geschrieben:
    See C:\ProgramData\CoDeSysOPC\
    In some cases (mine), Windows creates a "Compatibility Files" Folder.
    When you open Windows Explorer and go to the folder C:\ProgramData\CoDeSysOPC\, you can see in the toolbar of Explorer "Compatibility files" (in Dutch it is called Compatibiliteitsbestanden).
    This will take you to C:\Users\<your user="" name="">\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ProgramData\CoDeSysOPC\
    In my case somehow Windows likes to put the configuration files in there, instead of the C:\ProgramData... folder.
    Open the "OPCserver.ini" to see the details of your configuration.</your>

    yes, I notice the file of "OPCServer.ini",but this file is created by CoDeSysOPC.exe,not by OPCConfig.exe. And even you delete this file,it will be automaticly created the next time when the CoDeSysOPC.exe starts again.


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