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Converting UINT into bytes and converting 2Bytes into UINT

  • abjha1998 - 2023-12-07

    I have been working on Codesys V3.5 with PFC200 controller and Can Gateway 750-658. I want to convert the incoming CAN data from bytes into UINT and for outgoing data bytes to UINT. Does anyone has experience with this kind of data? I tried few different ways but it doesn't seem to be working.

  • voffi - 2023-12-07

    There are some ways. One is to use SHR and SHL and it depends on your byte order in the data array. For Motorola byte order:

        u : UINT;
        byte_array_in  : ARRAY [1..8] OF BYTE
                := [16#11, 16#12, 16#13, 16#14, 16#15, 16#16, 16#17];
        byte_array_out : ARRAY [1..8] OF BYTE;
    u := SHL(TO_UINT(byte_array_in[2]), 8) + TO_UINT(byte_array_in[1]);
    byte_array_out[1] := TO_BYTE(u);
    byte_array_out[2] := TO_BYTE(SHR(u, 8));

    If it's Intel byte order just change 1 and 2 in the array indexes.



    Talk.ru: 1
    Talk.ru: 2

    Last edit: voffi 2023-12-07
  • kislov - 2023-12-08

    Last edit: kislov 2023-12-08
    • abjha1998 - 2023-12-08

      Thank you for the reply. I got an error saying that
      MEM.PackBytesToWord(GVL.Actual_Speed_DUT_high,GVL.Actual_Speed_DUT_low) = u; is not a valid statement. Am I missing some library?

    • abjha1998 - 2023-12-08

      Thank you for the reply. I got an error saying that
      MEM.PackBytesToWord(GVL.Actual_Speed_DUT_high,GVL.Actual_Speed_DUT_low) = u; is not a valid statement. Am I missing some library?


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