OnlineManager error when writing/reading variable

  • williamc - 2014-01-23


    When I try to write a variable through script I sometimes get the error:

    Error : The OnlineVarRef at position 1 was not created by the OnlineManager.
    Parameter name: variables

    I can write to this variable many times without an issue then I get this error.

    Does anyone know what it means, and how I can resolve it.

    I know this is a bit light on details so if any more detail will help let me know and I will add it.

  • mkeller - 2014-01-24


    williamc hat geschrieben:
    Error : The OnlineVarRef at position 1 was not created by the OnlineManager.
    Parameter name: variables

    The second expression of your prepared/forced values was not recognized as an object of the Online Manager. This error can only happen if the element is a null reference or an unknown OnlineVarRef implementation. The null reference could be a timing issue.

    Is it always the same position in the same order of expressions or a different position but the same expression?

    Can you provide more information about your script?



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