Stop working of codesys project

  • wayne1721 - 2022-12-12

    I am using the eX710,

    I have connected the controller(Master) with two salve (Inverter and battery management system) communicating through Modbus RTU. During the operation, I am observing that the logic created in codesys (CFC) is not working, but I connect the controller with the laptop and log-in the controller through codesys then controller starts the normal operation, and all logic works fine. But after some time same problem happens.

    For example: I am are charging the battery from solar. I have created a logic that when battery is charging for low SoC(State of charge i.e., battery percentage) it will charge through 40A, when SoC reached 94% it will charge through 13A and when it got full charged it should be at standby condition and charging through solar will be set to 3A. When I login the system through codesys and observe it, it works fine and after that we logout. But after some time, we are observing that the charging current by solar automatically set to 1A and no logic is working. Then, if we log-in the system through codesys, normal operation is observed.

  • snhatton - 2023-03-13

    Hi Wayne, would you be willing to share a portion of your project? It's difficult to troubleshoot the issue without understanding the application.


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