I am looking for a way to upload a CSV from the PLC to a remote MySQL Database. My first thought is to use the MySQL command 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'myfile.csv' INTO TABLE myTable'.
Has anyone accomplished this before or can recommend a way of doing this?
Good day
I am looking for a way to upload a CSV from the PLC to a remote MySQL Database. My first thought is to use the MySQL command 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'myfile.csv' INTO TABLE myTable'.
Has anyone accomplished this before or can recommend a way of doing this?
Here is a link referencing the command: https://www.mysqltutorial.org/import-csv-file-mysql-table/#:~:text=The%20LOAD%20DATA%20INFILE%20statement%20allows%20you%20to%20read%20data,the%20file%20will%20be%20imported
Thanks in advance