Energie price

  • Reinier Geers - 2024-12-03

    On a website i can get the energie price. But how does that work in codesys? There is a video of Rest client. But i can find the HTTP library. If i type on my browser : https://enever.nl/api/stroomprijs_vandaag.php?token=ANWB i get {"status":"true","data":"Please provide a valid API token. More information at https:\/\/enever.nl\/prijzenfeeds\/","code":"2"}

  • hyys12 - 2024-12-06

    I am definetly not an expert in this field, but it does seem like you need a propper API key in the URL. Right now you are using the token 'ANWB' in your URL, which the website returns an error, since this is not valid.
    Somehow you first need a propper API key.
    I hope that makes sense.


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