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DEFINE in CoDeSys V3.5

  • Julian Henkel - 2016-03-08


    I have a small problem, whose solution most likely will seem ridiculously easy to me once it is solved.
    I'm trying to use the pre-compiler command "define" to define some Numbers as Text for frequent use in CoDeSys V3.5.
    The CoDeSys help tells me, that it should look like this:

    {define <identifier> <string>}</string></identifier>

    I tried to write the following lines in the define window right below the END_VAR command:

    {define HELLO 123}
    {define <hello> <123>}

    But nothing works. Does anybody know how it's done or what I am missing?

    Thank you very much!

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2016-03-10

    I think you misunderstood the meaning of defines in CODESYS.
    I think you want to create a constant for this:

    Β  Β HELLO : INT := 123;
  • Julian Henkel - 2016-03-15

    Hmm, that might be. I thought defines in CoDeSys are just the same as they are in C.
    When I declare a constant variable in C, this variable really exists, meaning memory gets allocated for it, but a define just gets replaced with its value before compiling.

    Thought this should be possible in every language.

  • Anonymous - 2016-03-16

    Originally created by: scott_cunningham

    TimvH's post is correct. You can tell the compiler if you want to keep the variable existing, or if you want to replace with constants. See the Project options area - you will find it there. Sometimes it is nice to keep the variable for online debugging (you can't change it, but it "speaks" to you like "MAX_ARRAY_SIZE") and most hardware platforms running CoDeSys do not really run out of memory space (like often found in embedded systems running C code).

  • Julian Henkel - 2016-03-16

    Ahh, found the option and it was already active. Now this makes all sense! ^^

    You two really helped me out, thank you very much!


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