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MC_Home function block is not initiating homing sequence on the drive all the times

  • drive - 2022-08-14

    Hello Dears.
    I am using SDP_COE as generic DSP402 axis drive..
    PLC: HCQ0-1200-D
    when activating MC_Home FB to start a new homing sequence at the drive , at the fist activation it works just fine bu at the second activation of the same function block it start and ends pretty soon befor even starting a new actual homing sequence at the drive . and tells me the homing is done without even starting it ..
    at the third activation it works just fine , while at the fouth activation it is not..
    it seems that the homing_done result is not cleared before starting a new homing sequnce , so the second homing is done and finished right after the second activation..
    any idea how to solve this proble

  • imdatatas - 2022-08-23

    You can check the information from below link.
    Especially see "Advanced Configuration" section.

    try with following ones and observe the result.
    " _uiHomingMinCycles = 10 "
    " _bDoHaltWhenStopInterruptsHome = FALSE "


    • drive - 2022-08-25

      thanks alot for the apreciated support..
      " _uiHomingMinCycles = 10 " solved the problem ..it seems that the homing was being acknowledged before it is event started.
      but how can I set a startup value for this parameter ? so I dont have to set it at each startup

  • imdatatas - 2022-08-25

    You're welcome.

    No need to set it on every startup. Just change this value from Device Editor.


    Last edit: imdatatas 2022-08-25

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