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3.5.17: Setting up OPCUA Client data source to another PLC OPCUA server

  • MadsKaizer

    MadsKaizer - 2021-05-20

    I have been using the guide on how to set this up, from the help files: https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_cds_encrypt_communication_data_sources_opc_ua_client;product=codesys;version=

    In step 4, I can only choose server and not client as described in the guide. Okay, I can assume its maybe just a type error, so lets continue.

    I have 10 PLCs running a OPC-UA server, currently connected to my SCADA platform, so the encrypted OPC-UA servers can talk to a client.

    I tried to add one of them, but I get an error about Opc.Ua.Client.<loadcertificate> that fails due to not finding ApplicationCertificate.</loadcertificate>

    In security screen its only possible to create a certificate for the OPCUA server, where is the client certificate? It is mentioned in step 9 that you make a certificate, but I need it in step 4...

    How does this new OPCUA client setup work?

  • fedin - 2021-10-25

    Hi MadsKaizer! Do you understand how to decide this problem. I have the same problem with entry password and username.

    • MadsKaizer

      MadsKaizer - 2021-11-02

      It is not possible to do through the IDE yet. Codesys support told me that it will be fixed in a later release. But for now you can not make a network without disabling ALL security first, connect and then afterwards set up security with user/password. Which makes it practically impossible to implement into a existing opcua network.


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