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Access Violation on Debugging

  • irfanmirza - 2015-08-05


    I am getting an Access Violation Exception in CmpIecTask when a breakpoint is hit in the IEC application code. Dave has already mentioned this problem in his post:
    l viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6213&p=12694#p12694 l

    There is not any answer to that post, so I am reproducing this new post with some more information.
    When I tried to debug the Codesys code, I stop at the following function:

    Here pApp does not have any value (or at lease I dont see any value). The same variable has correct value when the application starts (without hitting the breakpoint).

    Any comments or hint, please suggest.


    IMG: Bild

    IMG: iecaccessviolation.PNG

  • irfanmirza - 2015-08-14


    I already posted the solution that works for us at the following url:
    l posting.php?mode=reply&f=11&t=6213 l



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