
  • lorenzo-pisoni - 2024-07-11

    Hello, I'm encountering an issue with the Sysprocess library while attempting to execute commands to transfer a file from a NAS to my PLC. Currently, I'm trying to test a simple "reboot" command, but it doesn't work as demonstrated in this video:

    I'm using CODESYS V3.5 SP18 Patch 4 (

    From other sources, I've learned that to enable the PLC to execute commands, I need to add the following line to the file CODESYSControl_User.txt:


    However, the issue I'm facing is that this file doesn't exist on my CPU. I have full SSH access and can see all files, but only CODESYSControl.txt is present. Adding the command to CODESYSControl.txt hasn't resolved the problem.


    Last edit: lorenzo-pisoni 2024-07-11
  • lorenzo-pisoni - 2024-07-11

    Hello, problem solved, for anyone intrested, putting the command at the very end of CODESYSControl.txt solved the problem.

  • lorenzo-pisoni - 2024-07-11

    Last edit: lorenzo-pisoni 2024-07-11
  • lorenzo-pisoni - 2024-07-11

    Last edit: lorenzo-pisoni 2024-07-11

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