tortilla - 2024-05-23

I'm pretty new to CoDeSys so I don't know a lot of things yet. I have to create a connection between two devices (CANbus - J1939 connection).
The idea for now is to send a message from one to another (one operates on 3.5 SP11 the other one on 2.3)
I watched a few videos, worked with the documentation and worked with chatGPT 4o and was able to build the attached file.
This part is about the device on 3.5.11:
I'm using the J1939LocalECUDiag, TransmitParameterGroup, TransmissionTrigger Function blocks to send the message but my TransmitPG.xBusy / .xDone never turns to True and therefore my message is not sent while TransmitPG.xExcecute is True.
I added the two devices in the CANbus in the J1939Manager and addapted the options like I've seen in the documentation.

Can anyone explain what's wrong with my code in this casse or give me advices how to properly create a connection between my two devices?

Thanks in advance!