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saving all parameters on COE Drive

  • drive - 2022-08-14

    Good Day
    I am using SDP COE Drive as SM_Drive_GenericDSP402 for my eatherCAT based motion control..
    but I couldnt save the chnaged COE parameter of the drive by issuing command of save all parameter at the index 16#1010 .. I am getting a warning:
    [WARNING] SDP_COE_X [Device: EtherCAT_Master_SoftMotion]: Service for Index 16#1010, Subindex 16#1 was not succesfull! Abort code: 16#6090030

    any idea about solving this problem to be able to save the COE online parameter?

  • imdatatas - 2022-08-23

    The main question here why do you need this write operation into 16#1010 object.
    You may have been looking in the wrong place what you are intending.
    HCFA Q0 and Q1 controllers already supports Softmotion and SM3_Basic.

    As you see in below Codesys decleration your mentioned object not there and not a necessity for any axis setting and any Softmotion axis control over EtherCAT.


    • drive - 2022-08-23

      thanks for the appreciated reply
      actually I need a way to save the COE parameters so I dont need to preset the setting at every startup..
      how can I do that without writing save command (save) to the 1010 register?
      beside that , how can I change the homing method without accesing the COE parameters?

    • drive - 2022-08-23

      thanks for the appreciated reply
      actually I need a way to save the COE parameters so I dont need to preset the setting at every startup..
      how can I do that without writing save command (save) to the 1010 register?
      beside that , how can I change the homing method without accesing the COE parameters?

  • imdatatas - 2022-08-23

    Usage of 16#1010 object not a common usage practices in Softmotion configuration to accomplish this need.

    For example; If you want to assign a fix value for servo driver homing method (object 16#6098) use "Startup parameters" tab in device tree.
    Then just click to +Add button and find the homing method object on the shown object list.
    So, EtherCAT master will assign your setting to this object on every startup of network itself by using SDO.

    Regards and good luck.


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