Cannot open a project because it has been created with !!!!!

  • yannickasselin - 2022-01-20


    I created a project with Codesys and pushed it to a remote git repo.
    I then tried to clone it using the same Codesys version and I get this warning. I don't understand since I am trying to clone it using the exact same version with which I created the project.

    [-img src=Screenshot from 2022-01-20 08-53-20.png width=50%: missing =-]


    Last edit: yannickasselin 2022-01-20
  • fajean - 2022-01-20

    Y have recently had issues with multiple projects and libraries when upgrading to (git not involved), even after updating/installing all packages. Maybe it is the same underlying issue?

    I would open the project/library, wait for a long time as CODESYS checked for something missing, chose whichever of the options that were presented, saved the project (normal save), and the problem was still there when attempting to open again after closing.

    I eventually stumbled upon the "Save as..." solution. For each project/library, I "saved as" to a different file, then deleted the old one, then renamed the new file to the old name, and the problem went away. Why "Save as" produces a saved file that differs from what you get with "Save" is beyond my grasp.


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