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as reset string of function block?

  • jmas - 2020-03-31

    someone can tell me how I can reset the contents of the variable:


    When I invoke the "MOVE" function (fig,Var_1) to assign the value '' ,

    the compiling tells me the following error:

    C0037: 'httpResult' is no entry of 'HttpClient'

              Thank you
  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-03-31

    You cannot write to an OUTPUT of a function block.

    You will have to use I think a SEL or SELECT Block, and store to another variable instead. Modify your Visu to point to your new variable

    • jmas - 2020-03-31
      ok, thank you very much for the answer. 
      If this is not possible, another thing I can think of is to use the variable "xdone" to verify that it is a new request.

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