First Visualization problems

  • alebrije - 2022-03-02


    I am doing my first visualization in Codesys, and I am experienced some problems that im sure are quite easy to fix, but I cannot find the solution...
    Easy, i want to configure a Button, in all the videos you can configure this "onClick" actions or while pressed and so on. but whenever i Add a button, in the input configuration i can only see Toggle and Tap options, how can I add the other ones? lis OnMouseClick? is some library missing?
    Best regards

  • m.prestel - 2022-03-02


    I think you just have to tick the Advanced checkbox in the top left of the property view.

    Best regards,

  • alebrije - 2022-03-02

    Oh my god! thank you so much Marcel! and also thanks for the fast reply...
    Its working now, Have a great day

    Best Regards


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