TDESHMUKH - 2013-12-06

modifying subject for more clarity , from so long waiting period i found no body is going to respond to me. Its really very serious issue for me. Please mark your views,

Dear All,

First of all thank for admin to allow my entry in this forum.

I am user of CoDeSys V3.5 SP3 Patch4,
We are using codesys for DCS controller programming.
System structure are as below
2 Redundant controller as a Master and Profibus / Modbus slaves are connected to controller.
Controller Redundant pair is having fix address ( 0075 & 0076).
Problem: When i am scanning controller from (Device--> Communication System --> Gateway-1)
(Case1--> When computer is not connected to any network) Scanned controller address will be shown as per configured address in controller as 0075 or 0076 , which ever is present.
(Case2--> When computer is connected to any network) Scanned controller address will be shown as 0000.082F.B075 or 0000.082F.B076 , which ever is present.
Also this case address will change in run time without resetting controller or without any power recycle condition.

I want to fix scanned controller address as per configured only, even if computer is in network or not gateway should show the 0075 /0076 address only.

Please suggest configuration.
Please do needful.
T Deshmukh