bjarne-pagaard - 3 hours ago

I would like to divide a project into multiple applications - as a minimum: one handling visualization and Alarm Manager, one handling I/O and plant control logic. But how to exchange variables between the applications?

What have you done to get such a solution?

In versions 3.5.19 and earlier, you can have Child applications, where the children can access a GVL in the Parent application. Children apps is no longer possible in 3.5.20 - but you can have 'sibling' apps - Several apps directly under PLC Logic, that is. But how do they best communicate?
The Communication Manager / Data Sources Manager is sort of possible via OPC UA, but it seems like overkill and with some limitations - for example no ARRAY OF STRUCT possible this way.
If you have separate devices in your project, you can exchange data via 'CODESYS ApplicationV3', but not other applications in the same device (see attachment Datasources.png). You can do it via 'Select the project type'->'Other Project' and select the same project file, but this leads to crashing the Development system when working with the variables afterwards.

It would be great to hear your thoughts / experiences on this topic
- Bjarne