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Trouble accessing Math functions in OSCAT library

  • jdjennings1962 - 2024-01-06

    Hi all,
    I am trying to utilize the ARRAY_SDV standard deviation function, part of the Math group in the OSCAT library downloaded from the CODESYS store. My Codesys version is When I add the OSCAT to my Library, it shows a subset of the library (Standard) as fully installed and signed (see pic). However, the Math functions are not in this Standard group. The Math functions I need can be viewed as source code in the full OSCAT_BASIC, though this the symbol next to this library suggests it is source only and not fully installed.

    When I try to declare an instance of the ARRAY_SDV function in a program, it is not known. I have tried reinstalling and Building . . .

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • sedoerr - 2024-01-08

    Try to declare it like this:

    ARRAY_SDV               : OSCAT_BASIC.ARRAY_SDV;
    • jdjennings1962 - 2024-01-16

      Thank you seoerr for your suggestion. When I implement that line, I get this error:

      [ERROR] 'OSCAT_BASIC.ARRAY_SDV' is of type FUNCTION and cannot be instantiated**

      Any other thoughts about instantiating these sections of the library which seem to be provided as source only?


      Last edit: jdjennings1962 2024-01-16

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