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Control for Linux SL on Ubuntu Core

  • camilloo - 2024-03-03

    (dhumphries) I followed your advice and tried it on Ubuntu Server. Was a good choice. Your material was also very helpful :). Thanks for Your help!

    I no longer have problems connecting to Ubuntu. However, I still cannot install Virtual PLC.
    I'm currently getting a missing path message:
    "C:\Program Files\CODESYS\CODESYS\CODESYS Virtual Control for Linux SL\Delivery\virtuallinux\VirtualControlAPI.py."

    It looks as the package: "CODESYS Virtual Control for Linux SL" was not installed. But, there isn't one in CODESYS Store or I'm doing something incorrectly.

  • CODESYS Forge

    CODESYS Forge - 2024-03-04

    ..this is still not released therefore not available in the CODESYS Installer. This will come to release but if needed preliminary might be possible on demand.


    Last edit: CODESYS Forge 2024-03-04
  • camilloo - 2024-03-04

    All clear. Thank you for your answer


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