Unable to add alarm configuration object to project

3 days ago
1 hour ago
  • liamb - 3 days ago

    I'm trying to add an alarm configuration object to a project in Codesys 3.5 SP12 however when I right click on application and try to add object there is no option for it. Is alarm configuration avaiblible on this service pack?

  • bjarne-pagaard - 4 hours ago

    I believe it should be available. It may be the case, that your device does not support the alarm configuration. Some smaller PLCs sometimes do not support it. You can try changing to a different device, like a Codesys Control Win, in your project, and see if then allows you to add the alarm configuration.

  • liamb - 1 hour ago

    Yep that was the case, PLC didn't support it.


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