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Table "Variable for selected row" becoming negative

  • pbogaerts - 2022-10-07

    Hi all,

    I am using a Beckhoff CX5140 PLC on TwinCat 3 and am facing some very strange behaviour regarding the visualisation of a table.

    The input data of this table is an array of 200 structs. I also receive the "Variable for selected row" in avariable, which I use in the PLC program to work with.
    When login in onto the PLC, everything looks fine and works fine when I look at the visualisation.

    But 2 problems arise when I use my HMI (TargetVisu):
    Firstly, the scroll bar itself is not being shown on the HMI?
    Secondly, when I press where the scroll bar is supposed to be, the "Variable for selected row" variable becomes -32768 (looks to an integer overflow to me?!). This is causing an out of boundaries exception, leading to a fatal error of the PLC.
    When scrolling on the Visu in TwinCAT, this problem is not there...

    Does someone can help me solving both problems?
    I do not understand why the visualisation on my TargetVisu is looking different than on my PC-Visu? Also, why does the "Variable for selected row" behaves differently on my HMI in comparison with the visu in TwinCAT. And why does this variable changes when using my TargetVisu when I only scroll down the list?

    All help is very welcome.
    Thanks a lot!

  • pbogaerts - 2022-10-10

    Hi all,

    Seems to have found the reason of this issue:
    When deactivating the multitouch function in TwinCAT, the scrollbar appeared correctly on the target visu.
    Also the problem with the variable for the selected row was solved by doing so.

    Seems that this kind of target visu does not support multitouch functionality...


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