Alarm Table Issues

  • betatest - 2018-01-23

    Hi guys,

    I just started using codesys and I am currently struggling with the AlarmManager / Alarm table feature (Codesys V3.5.11.4).

    1.- Alarm Table / Properties / Variable For Selected Alarm ID: it does not update its value when an alarm is selected. I have tried with "Variable For Selected Alarm Group" and it works, however, it does not work with the Alarm ID. I am trying to create an action when an alarm is selected on the alarm table and this would allow me to do it. Do I have to enable any feature
    2.- Alarm Configuration / Alarm Group / Message: I am trying to use "Latch Var 1" within the alarm message (e.g. <latch1> Low) but it does not includes the Latch1 value into the message. This was working when I was using Codesys Control for Raspberry Pi SL but it stopped working since I update the device to Win V3. Is this feature not enabled when using Win V3 ? Is it other way to update the alarm message?</latch1>

    Thank you in advance

  • plcmax - 2018-01-24


    you could check this example:
    If you change to Control Win - login to the real device (on your pc) do not use it in simulation.


  • betatest - 2018-01-24

    Hi plcmax,

    Thank you for your comment, it solved issue nΒΊ 2. However, issue nΒΊ1 is still ON. I donΒ΄t fully understand why it does not update this value if this is an option of the "Alarm Table".

    Thank you again.

  • jonbonbon - 2022-10-31

    Was this ever solved? We have a need to display the current Alarm ID in a separate column on the Alarm Vis, as well as populate a tag with the 'selected' alarm ID number. Neither of which seems to work.
    When we put a tag in the 'Selection --> Variable for the selected alarm ID' variable it does not update the tag on selection, it also doesn't work if we use an Alarm-Info structure tag in the 'Variable for alarm information' variable. It does however update the alarm group number, so we can see that it is doing something... just not what we need.

  • paro - 2022-11-01

    you can use the function GetAlarmIDName from the AlarmManager libary. There you have to pass the variable for selected alarm ID from the alarm table and get back the string from the text list.


    Last edit: paro 2022-11-01
  • jonbonbon - 2022-11-01

    Brilliant thanks, seems counter intuitive to have to have some 'code behind' just to get the selected ID number, but that's working now anyway.
    Another one for you then... Once an alarm has been selected, is there any way of deselecting it to essentially reset the ID number back to 0?
    At the moment, once I select an alarm in the window, if that alarm is removed the selection will jump to the next alarm down, and therefore automatically update the ID number.

  • talhaali - 2024-06-06

    Hi, I am trying to access active alarms in code(As alarm count variable updates only when we go to to alarm table frame in visualization). I wrote following code but it is not working:

    iCountActiveAlarms : INT;
    parritfActiveAlarms : POINTER TO ARRAY[0..0] OF IAlarm;
    itfAlarmManagerClientAll : IAlarmManagerClient;

    itfAlarmManagerClient :=itfAlarmManagerClientAll,
    iCountActiveAlarms => iCountActiveAlarms,
    parritfActiveAlarms => parritfActiveAlarms);

    The Value is always 0.
    Please help.


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