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Compiler errors not visible

  • jeffersonhui - 2020-05-29


    A few weeks or months ago, I was not able to see compiler errors/warning message anymore, I am not sure when it happened. I cannot figure out how to show the messages again. I found out that the "memory tools" is now a separate Codesys download, so I downloaded it, and I clicked View -> Show Memory view or Show Memory Usage, but none of them show the error messages.

    How can I see the compiler error messages again? I attached some screenshots. "what_I_see.png" is what I currently have, and "what_I_want.png" is what I WANT to see.

    Also, I have Codesys 3.5 SP 14. I downloaded memorytools



    Last edit: jeffersonhui 2020-05-29
  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-05-29

    View > Messages or Alt+3 should sort it.

  • jeffersonhui - 2020-05-29

    Hi, i-campbell,

    I just tried that, but still nothing shows up unfortunately.


  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-05-29

    Either he's hiding here (see screenshot) or...

    Solution 1:
    he is hiding at a screen position which you no longer have.
    If he is hiding in a screen position which you no longer have,
    View > Messages will select him.
    Alt+Spacebar will bring up a MSWindows movement menu which you should be able to see on the screen you do have.
    From this menu, select "Move" and use the arrow keys of your keyboard to drag him back to the right spot.
    Dock him.

    Solution 2:
    Window > Reset Window Layout > Yes

    • jeffersonhui - 2020-05-29

      The reset window layout worked!



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