How to restrict the gateway

  • DavidCozens - 2014-02-05

    Is there a way of configuring the codesys gateway V3 on a PC to only operate on a specified network interface? I am working on a PC connected to a private network on one NIC and to a corporate NIC on another. I wish to restrict the gateway traffic to just the private network. Can this be done with the gateway or should i be looking at firewall configuration.

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2014-02-05

    Hi David,

    Several years ago I had a similar problem.
    The solution then was to add an entry in the gateway.cfg (in GatewayPLC folder):

    ;--> Filter IP range
    itf.0.ipaddress= x ;** see 0.MainNet name ***
    ;<-- Filter IP range

    I have no idea if it still works and if it is (still) supported, but it is worth a try.

    PS, first make a backup of your original file + restart the gateway everytime you make any changes (and saved) the .cfg file.

  • DavidCozens - 2014-02-09

    Thanks Tim, I'll give that a try when I get a moment.


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