Revert all my changes to CODEYS

  • DavidCozens - 2016-06-12

    I am configuring a CI system, I don't have the luxury of being able to use VM's to give me a completely clean install of CODESYS for each job (yet), and for repeatability I want to remove all of my changes to CODESYS before each build job runs. At the moment my customisations are restricted to libraries and device descriptors all of which are identified by the company name, I will also potentially have installed other changes as part of a package installation.

    I think I can already do this for libraries, but I've not worked out how to handle device descriptors or packages yet. I think having a complete sample script could be helpful for the community.

  • DavidCozens - 2016-06-14

    I notice that

    I haven't seen anything on packages yet, my guess is that I should be using PackageManagerCLI before launching CODESYS, the thing I can't see how to do is to remove all versions of a package with a given guid - or even to find out which versions of a package are installed.

    As an aside I've stumbled across a couple of references to RepTool.exe. Which is the preferred method to manipulate repositories from a CI system?


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