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Percistence manager

  • kvdwaal - 2022-05-16

    I Created the module "PersistanceManager"
    And generated the software with Composer->Generate
    If i build my application I dont have any errors.
    But when I try to login to my controller I getting build errors.

    How is this possible?
    See attachment for error messages.
    I am using Codesys v3.5 SP11

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2022-05-16

    How is this possible?

    In SP11 there is a separate Build>Build command and Build>Generate Code command. The Build>Generate command is not the same as an Composer>Generate command.

    And it seems that the stack overflow check is done in the Build>Generate and not the Build>Build part of it.

    You could read more about it here and here.


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