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Unable to install previously installed version

  • pscharf - 2022-06-15

    I am trying to install a version, that I had previously installed on my computer (SP11).
    When I try to install it, I get the options modify, repair and uninstall in the installShield Wizard, but when I click any of the options, I get error 1605: "This action is only valid for products that are currently installed".
    So it seems, that when starting the Wizard, it thinks, that the version is still installed, so it gives me the options modify, repair, uninstall.

    • pscharf - 2022-06-27

      If someone has the same problem and sees my post:
      The installation was still in the windows registry.
      Deleting the entry from the regestry solved the problem.

    • pscharf - 2022-06-27

      If someone has the same problem and sees my post:
      The installation was still in the windows registry.
      Deleting the entry from the regestry solved the problem.

  • dragan - 2022-09-02

    There are entries that could not be deleted.

  • dragan - 2022-09-02

    Is there some some more efficient way to clean those entries? I'm deleting like an hour and installation still doesn't work.


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