Is it possible to write a simple Codefragment, something like "count := count + 1; etc.. " including creating the variable count over a Python Script?
I already have written a script which creates a POU (ST), but i can not find any topics about writing an application over a script.
You have to use textual_implementation and textual_declaration properties of IScriptTextDocument.
There are few methods like replace, insert, append and so on (see ScriptEngine.chm for more information).
proj = projects.primary found = proj.find("Application", True) app = found[0] \# Create FB mypou = app.create_pou("MyPou") \# Change declaration of the FB implementation = mypou.textual_declaration.replace("""FUNCTION_BLOCK MyPou VAR_INPUT Β Β iValue : INT; END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR END_VAR""") \# Change implementation of the FB mypou.textual_implementation.replace("""iValue := iValue + 1;""") \# Add method to FB dosomething = mypou.create_method("DoSomething", "INT") \# Change declaration of the method dosomething.textual_declaration.replace("""METHOD DoSomething : INT VAR_INPUT Β Β iVal1 : INT; Β Β iVal2 : INT; END_VAR""") \# Change implementation of the method dosomething.textual_implementation.replace("""DoSomething := iVal1 + iVal2;""") \# Find the pou and delete it found = app.find("MyPou") if found and len(found) == 1: Β Β found[0].remove() else: Β Β print("POU 'MyPou' was not found"
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Is it possible to write a simple Codefragment, something like "count := count + 1; etc.. " including creating the variable count over a Python Script?
I already have written a script which creates a POU (ST), but i can not find any topics about writing an application over a script.
You have to use textual_implementation and textual_declaration properties of IScriptTextDocument.
There are few methods like replace, insert, append and so on (see ScriptEngine.chm for more information).