CoDeSys.OPC with Siemens WinCC v11

  • sbiughy - 2012-05-09

    I need to use CoDeSys.OPC with WinCC v11 Advanced (Siemens). I saw that is available on WinCC the communication option OPC and after some test, my SCADA communicates with Codesys PLC.
    OPC Configuration:

    However, on WinCC I had to write by hand the correct address:

    As shown on last link the address is not so easy to write. Is there an easier way to import CoDeSys.OPC tag on WinCC v11?

    If I have to write all tag by hand, is there a way to write the correct data type? For example on my PLC the tag is an INT, on WinCC v11 for Codesys.OPC is "VT_I2"

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2012-05-13

    With every OPC client I ever tested, it supported the import of the Tags (browse).
    CoDeSys is not address focused, but variable name focused.
    The address and type is not really relevant for your OPC client.

    The type which you need to enter is the OPC standard.

    Unfortunately there is not much you can do if your OPC client doesn't support browsing/importing Tags.
    However, I am almost sure that your client supports this functionality. Please try to find this option first.

  • sigarfree90 - 2016-03-31


    I cannot get my WinCC to see the OPC-UA data, there is no problem with OPC-DA but i need to access data with OPC-UA. WinCC client is able to connect to the OPC-UA and get the name of the server, but no data is available, is this a problem in Codesys or i have to use magic in WinCC to access this data?

    TimvH how did you configured your OPC server? And where to find addresses of variables?

  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2016-03-31

    If your CODESYS V3 controller supports OPC UA (not all do, so please consult the vendor of the controller), then you first of all need to add the Symbol Configurator to the CODESYS application and enable the Variables which are allowed to be read/written. After a download of the application, this list is then available in the controller and your Client should be able to see them.

    You don't have to configure any OPC Server, because the OPC UA server runs inside the controller. Again, please consult the vendor of the controller to ask for the specific controller settings, if any are needed.


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