IonCoder - 2024-08-24

Using Codesys 3.5 SP11 32bit to program a pair of IFM CR711S controllers. They each have an NVL sender and are set up to receive each others messages. One is transmitting properly but not receiving, the other is receiving the first's messages just fine.

When I look at the traffic in wireshark, I can see the one transmitting properly as UDP packets on the subnet and port I had specified. The Second is transmitting on the right subnet and port, but is sending 'ADwin Config' packets.

Has anyone run into anything simmilar? From some reading on ADwin from google, nothing is enlightening. Both are set up in the same way, have their own ports and List Identifiers. I have deleted the NVL files and regenerated them, cycled power, and even deleted and remade the NVL's so many times.