Responsive Design Example

  • kunz - 2024-06-27

    Hello everyone,

    I have a problem with the example project Responsive Design Example, which is available here in Codesys Forge. I wanted to try switching the visualization depending on the device type. To do this, I used a smartphone to access it. I can see via breakpoints that the Smartphone visualization is selected, but the visualization of the normal monitor still appears on the smartphone.

    Could there be a problem with the libraries, or why is the device not assigned the correct visualization page? I dont know how do further debuggin or troubleshooting.

    Here the page to the example:

    Thank you very much.


    Last edit: kunz 2024-06-27
  • kunz - 2024-07-03

    Can nobody help?
    Here the BP when the Smartphone is selected, but for the visu of the smartphone still the monitor visu is show. Tested it with a Control WIN x64

  • rmaas - 2024-07-04


    I just tried the example project with control WIN x64 and for me this is working correct. The only difference is that it is showing 'TabletPortrait' when i hold my smartphone in portrait mode and 'Monitor' when i hold my smartphone in landscape mode. This is because smartphone resolutions have increased i guess... You could check what resoution is detected and change accordingly in IsSmartphone method.


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