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Multipage menu with locked section

  • dvincent - 2020-10-29

    I'm creating a multipage visualization IHM and I would like to create a common menu for all of them.
    I don't want to add manually all the button on each webpage.
    Is it possible to create different login access like root / user / free

    • Morberis

      Morberis - 2020-10-29

      Totally doable. Add the VisuUserMgmt libraries to your project and you'll find a new tab in your Visualization Manager called 'User Management'.

      After you have the users setup you also have a new item in the visualization elements properties tab called 'Access Rights'. It is there that you specify whether that element is interactable, greyed out, or invisible to each user type.

  • dvincent - 2020-10-29

    I'm newbie in codesys ,In the library manager I don't see VisuUserMgmt library.

  • dvincent - 2020-10-30

    Ok I've found it , translation problem it is not a lib. 😌😌😌

  • dvincent - 2020-10-30

    Now I need how to find a way to make the menu

  • dvincent - 2020-10-30

    I've found, the current Project category is in the toolbox


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