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OSCAT_BASIC CALENDER DUT No longer compiles....

  • S1ack

    S1ack - 2020-08-31

    Did some preliminary work back in SP15, perhaps even in SP14. Using OSCAT_BASIC for sunrise and sunset calculations. Now, in SP16 I am getting errors on compile related to Type CALENDER (from BASIC).

    Looking in the old project which complies without error in SP16....

    Looking in the new project....The type structure has changed, yet the library versions are the same (for OSCAT_BASIC)....

    It's obvious I do not understand how this stuff happens.
    But what is the resolution here?

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-09-01

    LDT and LTOD are now keywords for long date and time and long time of day.

    @annD has uploaded new versions to their forum. You would need to sign in.

    alternatively you can edit your library yourself. Change the library version number, and change the variable names throughout the project from the reserved keywords to something else.


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