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  • MadsKaizer

    MadsKaizer - 2023-06-08

    In V3.5.19.0 it seems that hide namespaces is forced, so our old projects that show the namespace, are now loaded without namespace in

    This sucks pretty hard, as it has to be turned off in EACH INDIVIDUAL program/method/act etc. Turning on namespaces in options does not help, it actually just makes it worse by some weird display error that shows some namespaces and some not.

    Another thing that really bothers me, why are all standard logic blocks like AND, OR etc, shifted 1 place upwards, so all straight lines now have a kink?

    • Ekristoffe - 2024-04-25

      I have the same problem, I used to enforce the usage of the namespace (which was really helpful). and now I can't even find the option (CS
      Where in the option this setting used to be ?

  • SiegeLion - 2023-06-18

    Is this the library you created yourself? If so, please check if the attribute in the project information has this field 'LanguageModelAttribute'. If not, please add this attribute 'LanguageModelAttribute': 'qualified access only'.


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